College of Engineering

Student Art Activity

Student Art Activity

Sunday, February 16, 2020 - An exhibition of paintings and artworks for the student of Architectural Engineering Department, Solin Mohsen Hassan, was held on the university campus. The opening tape...

Warjîn Abdullah, a third stage student at the Architecture Department- college of Engineering presented her 40 paintings in a special exhibition organizedwhich was the 1st student exhibition .Profe...

Under the patronage and presence of the President of the Nawroz University  Asst.Prof.Dr. Izat findy, and the dean of Engineering College Dr. Layla Mohammed Raswol . Architecture Department /colleg...

College of Engineering ,  Department of Architecture of Nawroz University opened its sixth exhibition for the first stage projects, which was estimated  over one hundred projects, presented by 30 s...

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