Contemporary International Terrorism - Reasons, Repercussions, and Ways of Confrontation - the Experience of the Kurdistan Region / Iraq Model

About the Conference

About the Conference

It is no different that the phenomenon of terrorism is no longer an internal phenomenon, so that domestic legislation is unique in addressing it, but this phenomenon has become universal and transient to the borders of countries and continents so that none of the countries on the surface of this globe is ever recognized.

In view of the exposure of many countries to the brutal terrorist attack throughout the ages by the organization of the terrorist advocate on humanity, the Faculty of Law and Politics at the University of Noroz held an international conference entitled Contemporary International Terrorism Causes and Implications and Ways of Confrontation, the experience of the Kurdistan Region model during the period (4-5 / (2017) in order to shed light on this scourge, which is threatening humanity as a whole.

A brief about the universities and countries participating in the conference:-

Under the slogan (Towards a society free of extremism), the Faculty of Law and Politics at the University of Noroz will hold its third international scientific conference entitled "Contemporary International Terrorism, Causes, Implications, and Ways of Confrontation", held in the Kurdistan Region during the period from 4-5 /April 2017.

The conference is attended by many researchers from inside and outside Iraq, and they belong to different universities (Noorz University, Salahuddin University, Soran University and Sulaymaniyah) from inside Kurdistan, as well as other universities in Iraq including Mustansiriya University, Babylon, Baghdad, Yarmouk, Isra, Tikrit University, Kirkuk and Mosul. On the external level, there are many participating universities from different countries (France, Malaysia, Egypt, Lebanon and Qatar).

The Aims of the Conference :-

  1.  - Discussing the dispute between jurists, regarding the contemporary international terrorism.

  2. - To find out the reasons behind the increase of the phenomenon on international terrorism in few years.

  3. - Showing the efforts made by the Kurdistan regional government in confronting the terrorist organization ISIS and showing the influence of these efforts on the future of Kurdish case.

  4. - Mentioning the role of the civil and military media in tackling phenomenon of the phenomenon of contemporary international terrorism.

  5. - Showing the standpoint of religions of the phenomenon of contemporary international terrorism.

  6. - Discussing the efforts made by the international community in confronting the phenomenon of international terrorism.

  7. - Mentioning the mechanism of the compensating the victims of the crimes of terrorism.

  8. - Showing the means adopted by the local and international community regarding human rights in the context of fighting contemporary.

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