کۆلیژا زمان

رومانا ئه مریكی

رومانا ئه مریكی

السنة الدراسية : 2023-2024
Semester No. : 5
Term Autumn (Fall)


المحاضر : كوڤند ديار طیب
Academic Title : ماموستایێ هاریکار
البريد الألكتروني : [email protected]

کودێ کورسی LENG316 دەمژمێر 3 دەمژمێر 3 يونت 2

کورتیەک دلور پروگرامی

All Third-year American Novel courses share the following features:

•Students are presumed to be proficient in writing critical essays on literary subjects.

•Students are required to read in the course subject area beyond the texts assigned by the instructor or discussed in class.

•Students must incorporate secondary source materials into their oral and written coursework. These may include autobiographical or biographical material; literary criticism or theory; unassigned texts by the author under study; relevant cultural or intellectual history; or other arts, such as music, film, or fine arts.

•Readings and topics will vary with each instructor’s presentation of a course; however, all course materials are consistent with the objectives/outcomes for this course.

  In English 2319, students will examine a selection of American novels from the 20th and 21st centuries onward, to trace the features and stages of the British novel as an evolving genre within its historical and social contexts.

ئارمانجێن پروگرامى

Upon completion of any Third-year American literature course, the student should 

1. Be able to use with increased proficiency the skills of literary analysis taught in first-year English courses;

2. Be able to recognize the significance of the literary and non-literary or cultural context of a work being studied, such as the biographical, historical, mythological, or philosophical context;

3. be able to read critically and use essays and secondary sources, such as criticism and other texts by the same author, as an aid to comprehending the primary text(s) being studied;

4. be able to read critically and independently works or aspects of works not discussed in class; and

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, the student should also have a deepened understanding of

1. Different strategies of narrative development in fiction;

2 . The elements of fiction, such as plot, setting, character, and point-of-view;

3 . Some of the major forms in the history of the American novel, such as slave narratives, the epistolary novel, domestic fiction, the novel of manners, and social criticism; 

4 . Patterns of both continuity and change within the genre of the British novel; and

The exploration and interpretation of themes, including themes significant to the history of the American novel, such as the relationship between the individual and society.

سیستەمی هه‌ڵسه‌نگاندن

1. Data show

2. Whiteboard

3. Hand out

Scores Distribution

Distribution of Marks

Final Mark

Final Exam

Second Term


First Term



















1. ntroduction to American Literature, Schocken Books Inc; New edition edition (July 1974).

2. The Norton Anthology of American Literature (Ninth Edition) (Vol. E), W. W. Norton & Company; 9 edition (December 19, 2016)

3. Damrosch, David. What Is World Literature? Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2003. Print.