Congratulations! For the second year in a row, Nawroz University ranked within group B.

A delegation from NZU headed by Dr. Ezzat Findi Yahia, President of the University, his current vice president for scientific affairs Dr. Shivan Ahmed, the former Dr. Haitham Taha, Mr. Muayad Mohammed, head of the quality control department, and Mr. First Mahmoud, head of the Media Department, Attend the ranking ceremony for both Public and Private universities launched by MoHE- KRG under the auspices of the Minister
It is worth mentioning; the ministry ranking not started from Group A, but Group B., which is the best classification reached by our university. Thanks to the permanent dedication of the university presidency, deans, and scientific and administrative staff to all their efforts to make the university success and upgrade. Congratulations to everyone


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