Center Speach

Scientific research has nowadays attained a status with increasing influence on the academic life. the said status has not come from no reason, but as a result of faith in bring the scientific research into effect as an optimal method to certainty and true knowledge.  This is, especially, because certainty and true knowledge have become the optimal way to improve life's conditions all over the world. The scientific research's role in improving life's quality is increasingly growing in all the fields of science as part of the epistemology. in pure science, like biology, chemistry, physics, geology, and geometry, for instance, scientific research work provides increasing and increasing knowledge of the surrounding universe. Meanwhile, such research work, in the field of humanities, in sciences like linguistics, law, economics, and arts, is doing the best to study the problems which face the human's progress, by suggesting solutions, or making recommendations as starting points to find solutions. the meant suggested solutions and recommendations doubtlessly aim at strengthening the relationships between the human communities in the surrounding environment, besides opening new channels of cross-religion, nationality and culture communication.

I hope that our SRDC in NzU will play a pioneer role of all the afore-mentioned fields of scientific research on the way of realizing the goals of Kurdistan community in particular and the human community in general. doubtless, such goals would not be achieved only by supporting the academic researchers at NzU to help them promote the research work quality.    

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